European languages / Romanian
Translation from Romanian to Russian language, translation from Russian to Romanian language
"GMC Translation Service" Translation Center offers services of professional translators of the Romanian language. The team of our Translation Center consisting of translators, correctors and managers will do their best to prepare the written translation in due manner and in due time. We ensure high quality of translation in various subject fields: oil development, gas production, food industry, instrument engineering, motor industry, software, medicine, finance, ecology, legal instruments, contracts, management and marketing, guidances to modern household equipment and etc..
Romanian language (Rumanian) – a standard national language of two states –Romania, where about 22 million people speak Romanian, and Republic of Moldova (4 million). Total number of speakers of Romanian language belonging to Balkan – Romance subgroup of Romance languages is about 30 million people.
Romanian language has a lot in common with other languages of the Balkans (Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian): description form of future tense, lost infinitive, postpositional articles. But, a majority of grammar signs expressly point at structural features of Vulgar Latin. Numerals from 11 to 19 are formed like in Slavic languages. Lexis has a lot of Slavic and Hellenic borrowings.
Written monuments in Romanian language are known since XVI century (translations of old church Slavonic texts and business-related documents). Formation of the standard Romanian language finished in XIX century, at the same time Cyrillic script was replaced by Latin alphabet.
Did you know that…
- Romania was under pressure of Ottoman Empire during three hundred years and only in 1878 has got its independence.
- Ethnic Romanian dishes are scones «melai» and mamaliga made of corn flour.
- Carpathians taking up third part of Romania territory earlier had the name Corona Montium.
- A native land of the vampires described in belles-lettres is considered Transylvania – the northwest part of Romania with gloomy castles. One of them, Bran Castle in Brasov, according to the legend it was often visited by the preimage of Dracula by Stoker – Vlad Tepes or Vlad III (XV century), the ruler of Wallachia was known by his cruelty.