Ways of payment
Pay by postal transfer
When paying for the goods by electronic postal transfer, please write us a letter, with the indication of:
- The date and amount of money transfer;
- Full name of the sender;
- Postal code and address of the sender.
Pay by transfer through Western Union
When going to the Bank for money transfer, please do not forget to take your passport!
After making the payment you must inform us about:
- Precise amount and currency of money sent
- Date of money transfer
- Full name of the sender and address written in the blank of Western Union
- Control number of money transfer assigned in the Bank (10 digits)
In case of any question, do not hesitate to contact us!
On Western Union web-site (http://www.westernunion.com) you can find the nearest point of Western Union transfers, it can be a post office or a bank.
Make a request in Romanized script (complexities with character encoding in different countries, they are too many).
More than 245,000 points of service in 200 countries.
Pay in a bank through Migom® system without opening an account
Write us a letter for payment by money transfer in order to receive details for transfer performing.
On MIGOM web-site (http://www.migom.com) you can find the nearest point of Migom transfers. Do not forget your passport.
MIGOM ® is a program of making non-trade money transfers of individual persons without opening an account in the territory of the CIS and Baltic countries.
Advantages of MIGOM® money transfer program are evident - promptness (5-10 minutes), safety (up-to-date technologies of information protection), low price (2-3 % fee of transfer amount), and comfortable execution (without bank details).
Similar money transfer systems
- UNIStream
- Contact
- MoneyGram
- Zolotaya Korona
- AsiaExpress
- Bystraya Pochta
- VTB-Sprint
- Anelik
- InterExpress
Pay through WebMoney
Transfer the required amount directly to purses:
When paying for your order by electronic money system, write us a letter, with indication of:
- Date and amount of money transfer;
- Number of the purse from which you transferred your money;
- It is desirable to transfer money through WebMoney with a protection code, by indicating it in the letter to be sent.
Pay through Yandex.money
Transfer money to the purse directly and inform us on
- Date and amount of money transfer;
- Number of the purse from which you transferred your money;
Bank transfer
Write us to know our bank details for making a payment.
For paying with VISA/MasterCard, register on the web-site http://www.moneybookers.com/
Transfer money to account of smk1805@gmail.com and tell us the date and amount of payment and details of the sender.
- E-mail: customer@gmc-translation.com
- +7 (495) 66-96-893
- ICQ: -
- Skype: gmc_55