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Oriental languages / Mongolian

"GMC Translation Service" Translation Center offers professional translation from Mongolian language (or to Mongolian language). If you need a written Mongolian – Russian or Russian – Mongolian translation, our team consisting of high-skill translators, correctors and managers will do all to prepare the translation in due manner and in due time. We ensure high quality of translation in various subject fields: medicine, ecology, oil development, gas production, food industry, management and marketing, finance, instrument engineering, motor industry, various types of legal instruments, contracts, software, guidances and manuals for modern household appliances and equipment, and etc..

Mongolian language is an official language of Mongolia belonging to Central-Mongolian subgroup of the Mongolian group of languages. Its closest connections are Buryat and Kalmyk languages. Ancient script of Mongolian language has been based on Mongolian alphabet, but the modern Mongolia uses Cyrillic scripts brought in 1943.
Total number of Mongolian speaking people exceeds 7 million, the residents of Mongolia and Mongolian speaking people of Russia, autonomous region in the north of the People’s Republic of China – Inner Mongolia (Nei-Mengu) are included in here. Standard Mongolian language has been formed on the basis of halkaskiy dialect, by this reason it is called halka –mongilian or simply halkaskiy.

Some peculiarities of Mongolian language phonetic system:

  • sonants at end of syllables are devocalized
  • phonemes «л» and «р» (l and r) almost never used in the beginning of word
  • Phonemic division of vowels into long and short with distinctive function.

Length of vowels is expressed in writing by duplication, for instance: «zan» - behavior, «zaan» - elephant.

Did you know, that …

  • Present-day settlements of nomadic cattlemen consist of one, two or maximum five yurts. 
  • The most common meal beyond Mongolian towns is air-dried meat “borts”. Meat cut by 20 – 30 cm strips is dried as clothes at lines in the shade. As finished food borts represents maroon meat strips that can be eaten dry or macerated and boiled before eating.  
  • Historical name of the capital of present-day Mongolia – Ulan Bator is Orgoo (translated from Mongolian as «Palace»). Founded in 1639 as Buddhist monastery, during several centuries Orgoo was known to Europeans as «Urga».
  • The ancient capital of Mongolian Empire is Karakorum town («black stones») was built by order of Genghis Khan as the principal camp. Ruins of Karakorum are close to the Buddhist monastery – Erdenidzu at 380 km to south – west from Ulan-Batorа.
The Mongolians like people in India have the right hand traditional practice. You can give a tea bowl, shake hands or receive gifts with the right hand only.

Oriental languages