European languages / Lithuanian
Translation from Lithuanian to Russian language and from Russian language to Lithuanian
The GMC Translation Service Translation Center provides services of professional Lithuanian language translators. The collective of our Center, in the name of translators, correctors, and managers, will apply their best efforts to fulfill written translation task qualitatively and in due time. We guarantee high quality of translation in different subject fields, such as: oil extraction, gas production, food industry, instrument engineering, motor-car construction, software, medicine, finances, ecology, legal documents, contracts, management and marketing, instructions for complex household technology, and etc.
Lithuanian language is the state language of the Republic of Lithuania situated on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. The population of Lithuania makes about 3.5 million people; Lithuanian is a native language for 79%. Besides, Lithuanian language is used by ethnic Lithuanians of Poland, Belorussia, Germany, and the United States.
Together with Lettish the Lithuanian language is included into the Baltic group of the Indo-European language family. There is an opinion in linguistic environment that Lithuanian language is the most archaic – it has reserved many features of initial Proto-Indo-European language, which Lithuanian, supposedly, divided from in the V - VII centuries.
The earliest scriptory memorial of Lithuanian language is considered to be the manuscript prayer found on the page of a book of 1503 published in Strasbourg. The ancestor of literary Lithuanian language norm is Martynas Mazvydas who for the first time published the Lutheran Catechesis in Lithuanian language in 1547. Lithuanian language falls into two basic dialects that, in their turn, arrange dialect groups: Aukstaitian (Highland Lithuanian) and Zhemaitish (Lowland Lithuanian). One of the dialects, in particular, Western Aukstaitian, is the basis of modern literary Lithuanian language.
Lithuanian texts are imaged in writing with the help of slightly modified Latin graphics (Lithuanian alphabet). A little bit of borrowings from the languages mentioned bellow is present in the lexical fund of Lithuanian language: Russian, German, Latin, and Greek. The part of Anglicisms – borrowings from English language, has been going on in Lithuanian language from 1990 (for example: hakeris, singlas).
Do You know that …
- There is a Museum of Devils in the Lithuanian town of Kaunas that had time to be the capital city of Lithuania over the centuries-long history of this country.
- In ancient Lithuania amber beads made by local craftsmen of amber on the Lithuanian seashore served as payment.
- Formation of the Curonian Spit with the highest dunes in the Northern Europe has started about 5 thousand years ago. Now it is the most visited Lithuanian territory with unique landscape.
- Internet Access Points in Lithuania (their total number is over 500) can be found by @-type pointers.