Еуропа тілдері / Finnish
Translation from Finnish to Russian language and from Russian to Finnish language
"GMC Translation Service" Translation Center offers professional translation from Finnish language (or into Finnish language). If you need written translation Finnish –Russian or Russian – Finish translation, the team of our Translation Center consisting of high –skilled translators, correctors and managers will do their best to prepare it in due manner and in due time. We ensure high quality of translation in various subject fields: medicine, ecology, oil development, gas production, food industry, management and marketing, finance, instrument engineering, motor industry, various types of legal instruments, contracts, software, guidances and manuals for modern household appliances and equipment, and etc.
Finnish language (Suomi), together with Swedish is a state language of Finland, which is spoken by 92 % of the country’s population (about 5 million people). Finnish language as a native language is used by ethnic Finns settled out of Finland – in Sweden, Norway, USA and Estonia. Finnish Diaspora in Russia consists of two groups: descendants of Ingrian Finns came in XVII century in the territory of present Leningrad region and Karelian Finns.
Finnish language ascends from Ural proto-language (has been existing for ~ 6000 years) and, together with Hungarian, Udmurt, Mari and Mordovin is classified as language of Finno-Ugric languages family. Latin alphabet is in the basis of Finish written language. First printed works in Finish language appeared in sixteenth century, but modern literary standard of Finnish language has been formed only after three centuries and absorbed signs of various dialects.
Interesting peculiarities of Finnish language are the following:
- no difference between masculine and feminine pronouns, both pronouns are expressed by one word
- there are fifteen cases of nouns and over one hundred verbal forms
- frequency of use of vowels is well above than in other languages.
Did you know that…
- Sounding of some geographic names is absolutely unexpected. For instance, Estonia - Viro, Sweden - Ruotsi, Germany - Saksa.
- Employees in public institutions of Finland are required an obligatory knowledge of state languages (Swedish and Finnish) and English. And employees in service sector and tourism –often have to learn German or French language without fail.
- Black Finnish sauna (savusauna) is called so due to soot appearing due to smoke from firewood freely circulating in the premise. Soot with its antibacterial properties has been permeating all surfaces and tincturing a good aroma. Before going to the sauna only floor and shelves were washed out.
- The impressive building of Assumption cathedral in Helsinki (year of building - 1868, the project by Gornostaev) reminds that Finland once was a part of Russian empire.