Шығыс тілдері / Turkish
Translation from Turkish to Russian language, translation from Russian to Turkish language
"GMC Translation Service" Translation Center offers professional translation from Turkish language or translation to Turkish languag Team of our Translation Center consisting of high –skilled translators, correctors and managers will do their best to prepare a written translation in due manner and in due time. We ensure high quality of Russian – Turkish translation in various subject fields: medicine, ecology, oil development, gas production, food industry, management and marketing, finance, instrument engineering, motor industry, various types of legal instruments, contracts, software, guidances and manuals for modern household appliances and equipment, and etc.
Turkish language is the state language of Turkey – the state with a republican government declared in 1923. The Turkish Diaspora numbers about 50 million people residing in Bulgaria, Syria, North Cyprus, in the north of Iraq and in some countries of Balkan area. Turkish language is referred to Turkic group of languages that includes also Bashkir, Tatar, Yakut, Turkmen, Kazakh, Chuvash, Tuvin, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Karakalpak, Azerbaijani and Karachay-Balkar languages. Connection of Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen and some others allow language speakers to understand each other; it counts in favor of learning of Turkish language.
Letters of Persian – Arab scripts serving for building of Turkish language alphabet till the end of the twenties of the last century, now are used only for Arabic language in ecclesiastical institutions of Turkey, and their place was strongly occupied by a little modified Latin alphabet brought by Mustafa- Kemal-Pasha Ataturk in 1928. The statutory bar for use of Arabic letters in Turkish language exists in present Turkey.
Many resorts which Turkey famous for, are very popular among Russian speaking tourists, but it should be taken into account that the greater part of population of the Republic knows Turkish language only, that makes some difficulties in the process of communication. Therefore before travel to Turkey you need to learn some often used phrases, for instance:
- Merhaba - Hello
- Nasılsınız? – How are you? How do you find yourself?
- Teşekkür – Thanks
- Affedersiniz – Pardon
- İndirim – Discount
In Turkısh language the letter “i” wıth a dot and wıthout a dot are different letters therefore a dot should be set even for capital “I”, pronunciation of the letter without dot is similar to Russian sound [ы].
Did you know that …
- Turkish bath ascends from Roman thermaes.
- Over one forth part of the population of Turkey is people under 20 years.
- The most ancient settlement in the territory of the present Turkey has appeared in 7500 B.C.E..