Avropa dilləri / French
Translation from French language to Russian and from Russian language to French.
GMC Translation Service translation Center offers professional translations from French (or to French). If you need a written translation, our Center’s highly qualified translators, correctors and managers will make sure that everything is done in time and in high-quality. We can guarantee premium quality of translations in various subjects: medicine, ecology, oil and gas production, food industry, management and marketing, finances, instrument engineering, motor industry, different types of legal documents, contracts, software instructions, manuals for up-to-date household appliances and technology and etc.
French – is the official state language in France, also is one of the languages used by the UN, EU and other worldwide organizations. French is not only spoken by the native French population but also in parts of Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Haiti and some American and African properties in France. Citizens of some European (Monaco, Andorra, Luxemburg) and African (Guinea, Burundi, Congo, Senegal, Zaire, Mali, Benin) countries use French as their official state and literary language. Therefore, approximately 112 million people consider French as their native language.
French Language has taken its shape from colloquial Latin language which forced out the Celtic and the German languages, during Roman sovereignty. Since the X century French was divided into two dialects: Langue d'ос, Southern-French or provincial, and Langue d'oil, Northern-French. In the ancient times both dialects existed parallel to each other as literary languages, but in time Northern-French dialect forced out the southern and when Francis the I was in power, Northern-French became the only literary, diplomatic and judicial language. Only when St. Louse the XIV was in power French language formed its firm and determined exemplary grammar.
A characteristic for modern French language is the existence of numerous national dialects (patois). The French people, unlike any other nation, don’t stop fighting for the preservation of lexical affluence and sound of their language. They use different ways of preservation as well as legislative; they actively resist the penetration of Americanisms and the analytical syntax into French. The prime minister of France himself is the head of the governmental commission of language preservation.
Did you know …
- ( Chest of drawers) "komod" in Russian etymologically comes from the French word «commode", meaning «comfortable", and is different from its synonym “chest” that doesn’t have the height and drawers. Cabinet, in Russian (“garderob”) comes from the French word "garde" –storage and "robe" – dress, clothes. "Wardrobe" in Russian (“shifoner”) means that the chest has drawers for dividing clothes and comes from the French word “chifon" - cloth.
- The number of people studying French in Russia is about 750 000.
- Paris is considered to be the fashion capital of fragrance, clothes, cheese and wine.
- Aristocrats of the XIX century in Russia first learned how to speak in French and only after, learned their native.