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Европейские языки / Slovak

Translation from Slovak to Russian language and from Russian to Slovak language

"GMC Translation Service" Translation Center offers services of professional translators of Slovak language. The team of our Translation Center consisting of translators, correctors and managers will do their best to prepare the written translation in due manner and in due time. We ensure high quality of translation in various subject fields: oil development, gas production, food industry, instrument engineering, motor industry, software, medicine, finance, ecology, legal instruments, contracts, management and marketing, guidances to modern household equipment and etc.. 

Slovak language is a state language of the Slovak Republic. Slovak language like the close to it Czech is included into the West Slavic group of Indo-European languages. Due to affinity of two languages, the Czechs and the Slovaks have no troubles in mutual understanding. Slovak language is not just the language of a native population of the Slovak Republic, but the language of residents of other areas, where a considerable amount Slovak diasporas exist (Hungary, republics of Former Yugoslavia, Poland). In total, six million people speak Slovak.

Slovak alphabet is based on Latin script and additional diacritic symbols. The standard Slovak language has been crystallized out from West Slovak dialects and accents at the end of XVIII century, one century later the so-called standardization of normative Slovak language happened, in the basis of which the features of medium Slovak dialects were laid down. It should be noted that among 29 Slovak dialects divided into eight groups, east dialects of Slovak language have much in common with Ukrainian language, and southwest – with Czech language.

Did you know that…

  • Etymology of the name of Slovakia capital is very simple: Bratislava - "Bratskaia slava" (Brotherhood slava).
  • Buses and trolleys in Bratislava start working at 4.30 a.m.
  • Traditional Slovak instruments are fujara (two-meter flute), konkovka (herdman flute) and gajdy (bagpipe).
  • Tokay wine is made in Slovakia in Tokay area at the Hungarian boundary.
Spis (Spisskiy Grad, Zipser) is the largest castle in Slovakia founded in 1209 and ruined by Tatar army came to Europe.

Европейские языки