Европейские языки / Danish
Translation from Danish language to Russian and from Russian language to Danish
GMC Translation Service Translation Center offers professional translation from Danish language (or to Danish language). If you need Danish-Russian or Russian-Danish written translation, our collective consisting of highly qualified translators, correctors and managers will do their best in order for the translation to be implemented with high quality and in proper term. We guarantee high quality of translation in different subject matter spheres: medicine, ecology, oil production, gas production, food industry, management and marketing, finances, instrument engineering, motor industry, different types of legal documents, contracts, software, instructions and manuals for up-to-date home appliances and technology, and etc.
Danish language (Dansk) – is a language spoken by about six million citizens of the Kingdom of Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland. Danish language is native for 50 thousand of citizens of Germany, mainly Danish emigrants, living in Schleswig-Holstein. Danish language together with Swedish constitutes the Eastern-Scandinavian subgroup of North-German languages.
Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic languages are united with a common foregoer – one whole Scandinavian language of the III century A.D. Significant transformations of common Scandinavian language during the Vikings time (IX – XI-th centuries) led to emergence of a certain range of independent Scandinavian languages, subsequently developing under the strong influence of Low German (Plattdeutsch) dialect of German language, the level of which was especially high during Hanseatic period (except. – Icelandic) Danish script is based on Latin graphics, modified with consideration of Danish language specifics. Normative Danish language (Rigsdansk) is a language of Copenhagen and its outskirts. However, despite of the small area that Denmark occupies, there are several dialect forms in the country: almost every island has its accent.
Danish phonetics is characterized with a phenomenon being unique for German languages such as push or so-called glottal stop. If a Dane pronounces a vowel sound or a consonant sound, the glottal stop occurs and cuts the sound, and then vocal cords open again with a strong air push and the sound continues but in a strongly weakened form. This phenomenon is not reflected in writing, but in transcription it is shown with apostrophe [ ' ]. For example:
- hund [hun'] - dog
- hun [hun] – she.
This specificity of the pronunciation makes understanding of Danish speech to be difficult even for speakers of Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic languages, though their lexical differences with Danish language are minimal.
Do you know that…
- Full name of the mother of the latest Russian Emperor Nikolai II, known in Russia as Maria Fedorovna, is Maria Sofia Frederica Dagmar. Danish princess Dagmar (daughter of Christian IX) became the wife of the Great Prince Alexander, subsequently the Emperor Alexander III, on 28 October 1866. And on 6 May 1868 the future head of the Russian Empire – Nikolai II was born.
- There are more than 180 museums in Denmark, and the major part of them is situated in Copenhagen.
- On Danish island of Fun (Odense city) the house of famous fairy tale writer, Hans Christian Andersen is located.
- Danish people, probably, are the descendants of German nomadic tribes – Angles, Saxons and Danes.